Juliet Large 3-Drawer Chest



Juliet Large 3-Drawer Chest

Ships within 7 days


Bestselling Styles


  • Finish
      Finish White
    • White
  • Details and Dimensions +

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    Ships within 7 days
    Ships within 7 days.
    This item will ship to you via premium in-home delivery service.
    Item# 11758-CST
    The Design

    Our Premium Home Delivery Service

    Our premium contracted service professionals will carefully unpack, inspect and assemble your purchase in the room of your choice. All packaging materials will be removed for your convenience. As your item nears completion, you will be contacted by our Customer Care team to schedule delivery.

    Preparing for Delivery

    Review the path your furniture will take through your home, noting any obstacles. Note low hanging lighting or loose rugs.
    Prep and clear the room your items will be placed. If possible, remove small furniture items, and décor that could be in the way of safely unpacking your new items.
    Carefully clear potential safety hazards out of the delivery path.
    If you are accepting delivery in the winter, please make sure the path into your home is free of ice.
    When your items arrive, please let our service professionals know of any hazards so they can perform the delivery safely.
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